About Nicola Lane

About Nicola Lane 

Nicola Lane is the founder of The Hypnotherapy Group in Melbourne.

Nicola has experienced first-hand the transformative effect of hypnotherapy:

“When I quit cigarettes many years ago through hypnotherapy I found out that it not only helped me to stop smoking, I soon learnt it also helped with weight reduction and a whole range of conditions.

I discovered how effective hypnotherapy is in helping to create long lasting changes, provided you are ready and want to make that change. Hypnosis can help successfully with a wide range of conditions, such as weight reduction, stress management, anxiety, confidence, phobia’s, sports performance and so much more. That’s why I followed this path so I can now help others discover the benefits of hypnotherapy”.



I am an accredited Clinical Hypnotherapist. I gained my diploma in Hypnotherapy through the only government accredited organisation in Victoria – The Academy of Hypnotic Science. I am a member of the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA), which has been serving its members and the community since 1949 and I am registered on the NHRA (National Hypnotherapists Register of Australia).  I am a licensee of the Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes Program, Accredited Goulding SleepTalk™ Consultant, Virtual Gastric Banding Practitioner and HypnoBirthing Consultant.

As an Accredited Goulding SleepTalk™ Consultant I work with parents to help empower them for positive parenting. Parents are able to find they can confidently help their children overcome various issues such as; bedwetting, bullying, anxiety, sibling rivalry, confidence, self-esteem, improved learning skills, behavioural issues and many other conditions.

At The Hypnotherapy Group, we are constantly updating our skills and our client’s directly receive all of the benefits to help them resolve and address conflicts and other presenting issues.